We solve complex issues

Bozo & Associates is a law firm where you can find partners with a long experience in legal matters to find the required solution.
Koncesionet dhe Prokurimet Publike

Concessions & Public Procurements

Public contracts have the particular interest of business operators. However, it should be noted that commercial relations with public entities differ significantly from those of private companies due to their unique procedures and critical role for business operators.
E Drejta e Familjes

Family Law

Various issues, such as marriage, divorce, adoption of children, etc., regulate family relations. Even in this delicate field, the experts of BOZO & Associates help in various processes to guarantee results based on justice.
Punësim dhe Imigracion

Employment & Immigration

Laws related to employment are dynamic and undergo changes in a short period of time, based also on new policies undertaken by governments, to have an innovative approach to employment, guaranteeing better and fair working conditions.
Pronësia Intelektuale dhe Të Drejtat E Autorit

Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright

Another service offered by BOZO & Associates is consulting and implementing projects that focus on the use and implementation of intellectual property rights.

We offer services to various clients and companies, Albanian or nationwide, which develop their activities in the country and provide special assistance and consulting according to international standards.

BOZO & Associates is entrusted with legal consultancy for clients such as IFC, World Bank, UNDP, EBRD, etc. According to EU guidelines, the legal studio has been selected from various projects, with EU funding, for gap analysis, drafting of analyses, and also legal acts and regulations, so that we can offer the right legal assistance for different organizations. 

Our goal is to know our customers' interests and objectives, offering effective solutions, with the purpose of meeting and exceeding their expectations.

BOZO & Associates është e specializuar për ofrimin e ekspertizave të thelluara në ndjekjen e investimeve të huaja, në të gjitha proceset dhe ndërlikimeve që mbart legjislacioni kombëtar. Gjithashtu, mundësojmë konsulencë ligjore, financiare edhe në fushën e tatimeve mbi procedurën e themelimit të shoqërisë, si dhe kryejmë procedurat e aplikimit të klientëve, që prej fillimit e deri në përfundimin e regjistrimit pranë Qendrës së Regjistrimit Kombëtar.

All these are made possible from a professional staff with over 20 years of experience, found through shared values, dedication, and work according to international standards.

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